You can use 4aGoodCause as a place to store, organize, and act on all of the info you have about your constituents (donors and other contacts). Follow this guide to import constituents from other sources into 4aGoodCause. 

Get your data ready for import

You can import contact records from a CSV file. CSV is a simple file format used to store tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or database. Files in the CSV format can be imported to and exported from programs that store data in tables, such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. CSV stands for "comma-separated values".

So, first, gather your contacts into a spreadsheet such as Excel. Then save the file as a CSV file. That is the file you'll use in the steps below.  

What contact information can you import? 

Use this guide to help you set up the columns in your spreadsheet. You'll map these fields to the data in your import file.  You can include column headers in your spreadsheet or not. They are not required. 

Available fields in the 4aGoodCause CRM include:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Newsletter (True or False field - are they on your email list or not)
  • Job Title
  • Employer
  • Birthday (should be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy)
  • Alternate Email
  • Alternate Phone
  • Any custom fields you have created

Steps to import your contacts

Follow these steps to import your contact into 4aGoodCause.

We recommend sending your file to us to have us check it out before the import.

Step 1- Uploading your file

  1. Login to as a Nonprofit User.
  2. Click on Contacts on the left menu. 
  3. Click on Import.
  4. Click on Upload CSV. You will be prompted to find your CSV file on your computer. 


Step 2 - Mapping your fields

  1. Once you have selected your file will be uploaded to 4aGoodCause. 
  2. You will be moved to a page where you can match the columns in your file to the available fields in 4aGoodCause. 
  3. Choose a 4aGoodCause field on the right (select from the dropdown menu) that matches the data on the left (a column from your file). Feel free to skip any data column you don't want to import by selecting Skip Field.
  4. Once you have your data mapped to 4aGoodCause click Finish Adding Contacts. This will upload your contacts to your 4aGoodCause CRM. Be sure to double-check your data mapping before clicking this button. There is no undo. 

Step 3 - See your results

  1. You are now on a page where you can view the results of your import. 
  2. You will see how many contacts from your file were successfully imported. This will be noted in green. 
  3. You may also see a message about contacts that were not imported (noted in yellow). This can be due to data not being properly formatted (invalid emails for example) or because contacts already exist with that email address. 
  4. If you have errors you can download a CSV that includes only those affected records, make corrections and run a new import. Each error category contains a separate error download with the records affected by that specific error.  Click Download Errors to receive that data.  

If you need assistance with your import please reach out to We're here to help!