If you have donated or ordered online from a nonprofit that uses the 4aGoodCause fundraising platform you can view and print receipts of your past transactions inside your donor account.
Follow the steps below to access your donor account and see your giving history.
- Visit the donor portal for the nonprofit you gave to. Each nonprofit has its own donor portal. You can find this website via a link at the bottom of your donation receipts or from the Log In link at the top of the nonprofit's donation page. If you cannot find the donor portal for a particular nonprofit reach out to support@4agoodcause.com.
- Once there, please enter your email address and password to log in.
- Once logged in click Donations. You'll find a list of transactions made to this nonprofit.
- Click any transaction in the list to view the details of that transaction.
- Should you wish to print this detail screen click the Print Receipt icon and follow the instructions in your browser to print the page.
- Click the Donations link to return to your list.
Please note: Transactions are associated with the email address submitted at the time of the transaction. If you made a donation under a different email address that transaction may be found under the account for the separate email.