If you want donors to choose a specific purpose or fund for their gift within your campaign you can set up Gift Designation choices on your donation page. If you need to remove a choice from your donation page use this guide.  

Follow these steps to remove a Gift Designation from 4aGoodCause. 

Remove a Gift Designation from a single campaign

    1. Login to https://4agc.com as a Nonprofit User.
    2. Click on Campaigns on the left menu.
    3. Click the Menu icon on the right for the campaign you need to edit.
    4. Select Edit from the menu. 
    5. Click the Donation Page tab.
    6. Scroll down to the Gift Designation section.
    7. Find the designation in the list that should no longer appear on your donation page. Check the X next to the choice. 
    8. Scroll down and click Update Donation Page to apply your changes. 

Remove a Gift Designation from all your campaigns

You can keep a global list of your Gift Designations. The choices in this list appear in all your campaigns as gift designation options. Being on this global list does not mean the choice will appear on your donation pages. Designations must be applied to a campaign to appear. 

To remove a designation from this global list please follow these steps. Deleting a designation listed here will remove it from all your campaigns. 

  1. Login to https://4agc.com as a Nonprofit User.
  2. Click on Settings on the left menu. 
  3. Click on Gift Designations on the left menu. 
  4. Find the choice you wish to remove.
  5. Click the Menu icon next to your designation and confirm the deletion. 
  6. Select Delete and confirm your deletion.