You should take steps to prevent the use of stolen credit cards on your donation pages.

Follow our guide below to reduce your exposure to online credit card fraud.   

Common types of online fraud

Card Testing - Donations made to your donation page by an automated bot that spams your donation page with donations every few seconds, looking for a credit card acceptance. Without the proper protections in place, a bot could submit thousands of donation attempts in a short period of time. 

Refund fraud - when a donor makes a large online donation using a stolen card, then calls the nonprofit claiming that the donation was made in error (aka, “I accidentally donated $2,000 when I meant to give $200), then demands a refund paid to a different account or card.

Steps you can take to help protect your nonprofit from credit card fraud...

Step 1 - Configure your payment gateway to detect and prevent fraud and alert you to suspicious transactions.

4aGoodCause supports both and Stripe as payment processors.

See our linked guides below on the fraud protection options offered for each payment gateway.

Advanced Fraud Detection Suite (AFDS)



Step 2 - Deploy reCaptcha (when needed)

If your nonprofit has been targeted by high-volume automated card testing that doesn’t stop after a handful of attempts (10 or so), deploy reCaptcha from Google as another safety measure. This forces users to prove their legitimacy and humanity, thereby stopping automated, robotic submissions. This an option you can enable in 4aGoodCause. 

How to enable reCaptcha from Google

  1. Login to as a Nonprofit User. 
  2. Click on Settings in the left menu.
  3. Click on Fraud Protection in the left menu.
  4. Check the box labeled Enable reCAPTCHA
  5. Click Save. 
This will place the reCaptcha on all your donation and event pages. 

How to disable reCaptcha from Google

  1. Login to as a Nonprofit User. 
  2. Click on Settings in the left menu.
  3. Click on Fraud Protection in the left menu.
  4. Uncheck the box labeled Enable reCAPTCHA
  5. Click Save. 

More information:

Protect your nonprofit from credit card fraud (great overview from our blog)

About reCaptcha

About reCaptcha (video)