4aGoodCause clients can generate print thank you acknowledgment letters for both Donations and Registrations. Should you wish to generate print acknowledgments follow these steps and best practices.  

Preparing to Generate Print Acknowledgments 

The content for the letters is pulled from various places in 4aGoodCause so you'll want to make sure that that content is correct in your account.  

1. Make sure to update your business information, specifically your organization name, address, and logo. This will be used to identify your organization on the letter. 

2. Each acknowledgment letter will include a thank you message customized for that transaction's campaign. Thank you messages for the letters are pulled from your campaign settings. Be sure to configure the print thank you messages for any campaign you plan to generate acknowledgment letters for. 

3. By default donors will be addressed by the First Name listed on the transaction. If you know of a donor that prefers to be addressed in a different manner (Example - Bob or Mr. Robert Smith instead of Robert) you can edit the Preferred Name field on their Contact record. This will then always automatically replace the First Name in any letter for that donor.

Format of the Acknowledgment Letter

An acknowledgment letter outputs with the following components in an easy-to-read 14 pt font.

View a sample letter


[Today's Date]

[Donor Name and Address]

Dear [First Name],

[Your custom thank you message]

[Gift details]

[Footer with your nonprofit's mailing address] 

How to Generate a Donation Print Letter Acknowledgment

  1. Login to https://4agc.com as a Nonprofit User.
  2. Click on Donations on the left menu. 
  3. You will be presented with a list of your donations.
  4. Click the row of the donation you need to generate a letter for.
  5. Click the Thank Donor button. 
  6. Select Download Letter.  
  7. Your letter will appear in a new browser tab. The letter will output as a PDF file. You can print this letter or download it.  

How to Generate a Registration Print Letter Acknowledgment

  1. Login to https://4agc.com as a Nonprofit User.
  2. Click on Registrations on the left menu. 
  3. You will be presented with a list of your registrations.
  4. Click the row of the registration you need to generate a letter for.
  5. Click the Thank Donor button. 
  6. Select Download Letter.  
  7. Your letter will appear in a new tab. The letter will output as a PDF file. You can print this letter or download it.