Active campaigns have pages that allow donors to interact with you. Active campaigns can take donations or registrations. Inactive campaigns do not allow donors to visit the pages on your campaign.
If you need to switch a campaign from inactive to active follow these steps.
- Login to as a Nonprofit User.
- Click on Campaigns on the left menu.
- You will be presented with a list of your current campaigns.
- Click the Menu icon on the right for the campaign you need to edit.
- Select Edit from the menu.
- You will be in the Campaign Info tab.
- Scroll down to find Campaign Status.
- Change the status to Active. Please note: If the status is grayed out and not accessible see the special note below.
- Scroll down to the bottom of that page to click the button to Update that aspect of the campaign.
- Click < Campaigns on the top left to return to the list of your campaigns.
Please note:
Below the setting for Campaign Status is a Date Range setting. Enabling a Date Range will restrict donations or registrations from being made outside of a specified start and end date. Should you enable a Date Range these dates will override the above Campaign Status and govern when your campaign is active but If the status was set to inactive before the dates were applied they can't override that.
To manually change the status of a campaign that has a Date Range enabled you'll need to first disable the Date Range and click Update to save the campaign. Then adjust the status to active and click Update to save the campaign again. You can then choose to reapply the date range if needed and save the campaign again.