If you receive an offline donation by check or cash and wish to add the donation and its amount to one of your online campaigns follow these steps:

  1. Login to https://4agc.com as a Nonprofit User.
  2. Click on Donations on the left menu.
  3. Click on New Donation on the right. (This button can only be seen by Admin level users)
  4. You are now at a form to enter your offline donation into 4aGoodCause. 
  5. Assign the new donation to a campaign by choosing it from the Campaign drop-down menu. 
  6. If this donation is from an existing donor, use the Contact field to search for that person. Just start typing their name. Once found select them from the list. This will load their contact information and associate this donation with their contact record. Feel free to update their contact information as you complete this form.
  7. Complete the other required fields (and any optional fields you desire to complete) on the form. The required fields include the donor's contact information, the amount and date of the donation. Enter the amount of the donation in both the Subtotal and Total fields. Choose Offline, Cash, or Check as the Payment Method, whichever you deem most appropriate. Feel free to enter any custom information, like a check number in the Transaction Description field. 
  8. Once you have completed the form scroll down and click Create Donation

Please note:

If you have a landing page on your campaign the new donation will be noted on the donations list on that page and the donation amount will be added to the total noted in your fundraising thermometer. 

Should the donor wish not to show his or her name on your landing page check the Hide My Name box as you enter the gift.

Should the donor wish to include a message of support on your landing add that message in the Donor Message to the Fundraiser box as you enter the gift.